Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Why wont blogspot let me post pictures...super annoyed, sorry everyone!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Vegas with the girlies!

Xela's Bday weekend was a blast! Heres a few pictures but expect a movie montage from andreas channel!
Im glad to be home though because i missed my Olivia and i couldnt wait to get back to filming...Its pretty addicting now :-)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Livie says Welcome!

BellaMishella is on blogger!

Ladies...Its me! BellaMishella!
OK so i couldnt figure out for the life of me how to use tumblr and i really dont have too much time or the patience to learn so im on blogger!

SO what to expect on this site....Im going to do more outfits, more tips on styling, and more about my life as a single Mommy to my gorgeous daughter Olivia!

I really hope you like it and of course visit me on youtube as well!

I adore all the love and heartfelt comments you ladies share, and i am truely greatful that i get to do this. If i could atleast help one person, thats awesome! And that is the single most reason i do this.

Great tutorials are coming up and thank you for being patient with the camera and editing problems, we all gotta start somewhere right?!
